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 الآن وحصرياً للتحميل اللعبة المنتظرة DeathSpank 2011

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ميدو البرنس

عدد المساهمات : 2553
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/07/2009
العمر : 34
الموقع : https://oldfaucet.site

الآن وحصرياً للتحميل اللعبة المنتظرة DeathSpank 2011 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الآن وحصرياً للتحميل اللعبة المنتظرة DeathSpank 2011   الآن وحصرياً للتحميل اللعبة المنتظرة DeathSpank 2011 Icon_minitimeالإثنين نوفمبر 01, 2010 6:26 pm

الآن وحصرياً للتحميل اللعبة المنتظرة DeathSpank 2011 Deathspankmasseffectcov

DeathSpank [SKIDROW]
PC GAME | ISO | English | 1.05 GB | Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Action | Adventure | RPG

For uncounted years, DeathSpank has been a Dispenser of Justice, a
Vanquisher of Evil, and a Hero to the Downtrodden. DeathSpank has long
searched for a powerful artifact called?The Artifact. Forged by unknown
hands for unknown purposes some unknown time in the past, The Artifact
is now within DeathSpank?s reach. What is The Artifact?

For uncounted years, DeathSpank has been a Dispenser of Justice, a
Vanquisher of Evil, and a Hero to the Downtrodden. DeathSpank has long
searched for a powerful artifact called The Artifact. Forged by unknown
hands for unknown purposes some unknown time in the past, The Artifact
is now within DeathSpank's reach. What is The Artifact?

The Epic Humor of Ron Gilbert ? Ron Gilbert brings his hilarious brand
of witty humor and ridiculous dialog to a whole new genre in one of the
most epic stories ever told involving a hero and his quest to find The

Two-Player Local "Sidekick2 Co-op - Recruit a friend to fight by your
side as your heroic sidekick and work your way together through
hellacious dungeons and a mysterious land.

Local co-op requires a controller for the second player.

Explore a Massive World - The world of DeathSpank is massive and full of
tons of unique and hilarious characters, dangerous foes, diverse
landscapes, and chickens...lots of chickens.

Find and Collect Hundreds of Weapons, Unique Items, and Armor Pieces -
Collect hundreds of weapons, armor pieces, and unique items (have you
ever collected unicorn poop, or used a chicken launcher?) during your
heroic journey and use them to customize your character's abilities and

Install Notes:

1. Unpack release
2. Mount image or burn it
3. Install
4. Copy the cracked content from the SKIDROW folder on the DVD to the main installation folder and overwrite
5. Play the game


الآن وحصرياً للتحميل اللعبة المنتظرة DeathSpank 2011 Screenshot021kw

الآن وحصرياً للتحميل اللعبة المنتظرة DeathSpank 2011 Screenshot031uw

الآن وحصرياً للتحميل اللعبة المنتظرة DeathSpank 2011 Screenshot183v


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الآن وحصرياً للتحميل اللعبة المنتظرة DeathSpank 2011
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