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 خاص بطلبة كليات الطب والأطباء برنامج تشريحي للوخز بالابر Anatomy for Acupuncture*E*

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عدد المساهمات : 2549
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/07/2009
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الموقع : https://oldfaucet.site

خاص بطلبة كليات الطب والأطباء برنامج تشريحي للوخز بالابر Anatomy for Acupuncture*E* Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: خاص بطلبة كليات الطب والأطباء برنامج تشريحي للوخز بالابر Anatomy for Acupuncture*E*   خاص بطلبة كليات الطب والأطباء برنامج تشريحي للوخز بالابر Anatomy for Acupuncture*E* Icon_minitimeالسبت نوفمبر 13, 2010 9:38 pm

Anatomy for Acupuncture (Eng)خاص بطلبة كليات الطب والأطباء برنامج تشريحي للوخز بالابر Anatomy for Acupuncture*E* 24200214

Anatomy for Acupuncture (Eng) | 1.36 Gb

Anatomy for Acupuncture - a unique resource that focuses on the practice of acupuncture. For the first time, users can see three-dimensional position of 88 of the most commonly used acupuncture points, followed by information such as the Chinese name, Chinese character, meridian acupuncture point location, needle tract, the target structure, notes, and warnings.

Version: 978-1-904369-70-7
Developer: Primal Pictures Limited
Platform: x86
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Language: English
Medicine: Present
Size: 1.36 GB

System requirements:
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
CPU: Pentium III 2.8 GHz
RAM: 256 MB
VIDEO: 1024 x 768, 24-bit color

Additional 324 named meridian needles may also be highlighted in the position for 3-D model. Each of the 88 most common acupuncture points shows the proper passage of the needle and skeletal - muscle and neurovascular versions of 3-D model. Models take into account 14 layers of anatomy to be added or removed, including the selected internal organs that are visible from 13 different angles. Anatomical alarm provided for points where damage could be caused by needles placed in the wrong direction, or put in the wrong depth. Additionally, cross-sectional view, showing the relationship needle anatomical structures are presented in detail for the head and neck, trunk, shoulders, and areas of lower and upper meridian of longitude. Anatomy for Acupuncture also identifies most clinically important trigger points, and provides information about anatomical, clinical, and physiological correspondences to their points of acupuncture. All anatomical structures have descriptive text and skeletal - muscular and vascular anatomy, which contains all the essential muscles, communications, bones, applications, capsules (arteries, nerves, and veins). 14 main meridians, paragraphs and highlighted in 3-D, and 42 sample RH-pain more neat items similar show, along with their relationship to the main meridians of acupuncture.

Set number 1
1) Mount image through Image.iso (Nero, Alcohol 120%, Daemon Tools)
2) Install on any drive (C, D, etc.)
3) Installing QuickTime 5
4) Run (full version)
Setting number 2
1) Create a DVD (Image.iso) through (Nero, Alcohol 120%, Daemon Tools)
2) Install on any drive (C, D, etc.)
3) Installing QuickTime 5
4) Run (full version)
Set number three
1) Install (Patch.exe)

General information about the meridians:
All of the human body, like the bodies of animals and even plants, is permeated with a set of invisible ordinary vision channels around the organism energy varying degrees of subtlety. These channels, called meridians (or nadi), were discovered and used in ancient Chinese medicine (Zhen-chiu therapy).
Meridians are found, including for high - compared to the surrounding tissues of the body - conductivity (but remember that the electric current, even the weakest, for them is inadequate, and methods of electro-point electrodiagnostics and can be applied only in exceptional cases).
Meridians can be seen by people who have made expanding the range of perception through a system of meditative training.
Due to inflammation in body tissues, contaminating food or external adverse energy impacts meridians can lose their conductivity. Then may begin long-term illnesses of those bodies that have lost an adequate energy supply. Such diseases are usually not amenable to complete medical cure. Here are some of these cases and are effective methods of acupuncture and related therapeutic techniques: laser, vibration and other impacts through the biologically active points "integument. This is accompanied by the restoration of conduction through the meridians sent energy through them.
Main meridians and their functions:
Main meridians and their functions:
We now consider several meridians, which can be successfully used in the practice of psychic self-regulation.
All chakras are connected by several major meridians that run along the spine, and along the front wall of the body and the middle.
The spine of muladhara to sahasrar wide canal called sushumna (in Chinese, tu-mo or du-mo). One of its functions is to distribute the accumulated in the Muladhara chakra energy. This energy potential is formed mainly due to energy SWADHISTAN udana (through sublimation, ie, the transformation into energy udana other chakras), if the latter is not wasted by exhaustion and illness.
Within sushumna in its back, is isolated much more narrow channel (diameter of about 2 cm) - Vajrini through which passes to the other chakras udana.
A third of the spinal canals - chitrini (Brahma-nadi) - located behind sushumna. It starts from the back of sahasrar, goes down under the occipital bone, drops on the back of the neck and then - on the very back of the spinal column, coinciding with the neural spines and the skin.
Chitrini - extremely important for human structure, since She serves as a benchmark the finest condition. This - the level of subtlety of the Holy Spirit. By learning to concentrate in chitrini possible through this channel is easily "dive" into the consciousness of eons of the Holy Spirit.
The system of chakras is also communicated by the front channel zhen-mo. It starts from the top end sushumna sahasrara encircles the sides by two branches, which join in the forehead, then again split into several small canals that run down the face and join in the vishudha. Another branch of this canal descends through the middle of the head, across the sky reaches the chin and the neck joins the other branches. Then the channel wide band down the front side of the body, giving a branch to all the chakras, passes through the pubic bone and goes to the coccyx.
Particularly interested in the upper part of the canal, which connects to the functional block of four chakras so-called "emotional center": anahata, vishudha, Manipur and ajna. This complex is playing a leading role, of course, Anahata and vishudha. From Manipura to some extent dependent intensity of emotions, but through ajna by including the interaction with the hypothalamic-pituitary complex, which plays a crucial role in coordinating the endocrine system through the emotional and behavioral reactions of the entire body.
Only those who have developed the front channel, who also know how to use it experienced a truly high positive emotions to communicate with others and with nature. But such people are extremely few: - units of thousands. Front channel is rarely developed without any special effort.
System of the spine and the front is called meridians, according to Chinese tradition, the microcosmic orbit. Circulating the microcosmic orbit "by one of the stages of energy conversion in the body. His goal - the creation and accumulation in the body of the "golden elixir" - so called in ancient alchemy obtained by converting the subtlest energy.
Exercising with the microcosmic orbit produces a strong emotional effect, changing the whole person, making it buoyant, giving people my sincere, heartfelt love.
In conclusion, it should be noted that there are incompetent techniques of Chinese Qi Gong, which are trying to work with the "microcosmic orbit" without first careful study of the chakras and meridians. In such cases, all work is performed only at the level of imaginative ideas. Cleansing, healing and thinning effects are not achieved.
Chakra system on one of the finest plans also commute another meridian - the middle. This wide meridian connects developed chakras, running vertically down the middle of the body. It is formed simultaneously with the development of the chakras: people with undeveloped chakras it has been observed. Channel width approximately the diameter of the chakras. It is - also a very important energy structure of the organism.
BL2, BL10, BL11, BL13, BL23, BL25, BL28, BL29, BL40, BL45, BL52, BL56, BL59, BL60, BL64
CV12, CV17, CV2, CV4
GB14, GB20, GB21, GB26, GB27, GB29, GB30, GB34, GB39, GB41
GV14, GV16, GV20, GV26, GV3, GV4
HT3, HT7
KI10, KI3, KI7
LI10, LI11, LI15, LI17, LI18, LI20, LI4
LR10, LR14, LR2, LR3, LR8
LU1, LU2, LU5, LU6, LU7, LU9, LU10
PC1, PC6, PC7
SI10, SI11, SI14
SI3, SI4, SI9
SP3, SP4, SP6, SP9, SP10, SP11, SP12
ST7, ST8, ST25, ST30, ST36, ST40, ST43
TE5, TE8, TE14, TE16
Bladder Meridian
Gall bladder meridian
Office of the meridian
Heart Meridian
Kidney Meridian
Meridian Large Intestine
Liver Meridian
Lung Meridian
Small intestine meridian
Meridian Irritability
Stomach Meridian

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خاص بطلبة كليات الطب والأطباء برنامج تشريحي للوخز بالابر Anatomy for Acupuncture*E*
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