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 برنامج تحويل امتداد أي فيديو بأحدث اصداراته Any Audio Converter 3.5.5

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ميدو البرنس

عدد المساهمات : 2555
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/07/2009
العمر : 34
الموقع : https://oldfaucet.site

برنامج تحويل امتداد أي فيديو بأحدث اصداراته Any Audio Converter 3.5.5 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: برنامج تحويل امتداد أي فيديو بأحدث اصداراته Any Audio Converter 3.5.5   برنامج تحويل امتداد أي فيديو بأحدث اصداراته Any Audio Converter 3.5.5 Icon_minitimeالجمعة سبتمبر 28, 2012 2:54 pm

تحميل أحدث اصدار لبرنامج تحويل امتداد الفيديو

جايب لكم نسختين الأصلية كاملة + نسخة بورتابل

Any Audio Converter 3.5.5 + Portable

برنامج تحويل امتداد أي فيديو بأحدث اصداراته Any Audio Converter 3.5.5 F7df431ebbbbdef134071a19ebb35b83

Any Audio Converter 3.5.5 + Portable | 24.02/29.93 Mb

طبعاً البرنامج سهل وغني عن التعريف وعموماً إليكم شرح الشركة المنتجة للبرنامج:

Any Audio Converter is a versatile audio converter and audio extractor with user-friendly interface and powerful functions. As an audio converter, Any Audio Converter can convert audio between MP3, WMA, WAVE, AAC, M4A and OGG formats as well as convert other unprotected audio formats. As an audio extractor, Any Audio Converter can extract audio from all popular video formats and online videos from YouTube, Google Video and Nico Video.

With this freeware, you can easily convert your audio files to MP3, WMA, WAV such as M4A to MP3, APE to MP3, RA to WMA, FLAC to WAV, etc. You can also extract audio from video clips such as AVI to MP3, MP4 to MP3, WMV to WMA, RMVB to MP3.

Support various video and audio formatsconvert audio
This free audio converter can convert between almost all popular audio and video formats including AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, ASF, FLV, MP3, M4A, WMA, WAV, FLAC, OGG, AU, MP2, and AC3 formats. Convert FLV videos from YouTube, Google, and NFLV to MP3.

Powerful editing function
Allow you to adjust audio codec, bitrate, sample rate, audio channel, audio track, subtitle, audio volume, aac parameters, audio quality, etc.
You can also switch among Standard, Best quality, Mobile version, and HD file formats to download a YouTube video.

MP3 Converter
Any Audio Converter is a ideal all-in-one tool to convert batches of mp3 file format into wav file format for burning onto a CD, converting wav file format to the mp3 file format to listen to your favorite wavs but in the smaller mp3 format, and it is just a cool mp3 player, wave player. It's cool interface, easy to use, stable, prestissimo speed, wonderful output quality, converting in batches, saving play & convert list automatically and full support for help.

Free YouTube to MP3 Converter
The Any Audio Converter is really a powerful YouTube to MP3 converter as well as YouTube downloader. It can batch download videos from YouTube and then convert them to MP3, AAC, WAV, WMA and OGG audio files at super speed and high output audio quality.
You can easily convert YouTube to audio for free with this YouTube to audio converter freeware.

WMA Converter
This free WMA to MP3 Converter can convert Windows Media files to MP3 files which can be played in MP3 Players. All Windows Media formats (*.wma, *.wmv, *.asf) are supported. The program is a freeware and does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.

Batch conversion
Convert multiple video and audio files in batch to MP3 Audio, OGG Vorbis Audio, WAVE Audio, AAC Audio, MPEG-4 Audio, and WMA Audio.

Auto shutdown computermore function
Automatically shut down your computer after conversion.

Easy to use
Supporting drag-and-drop to load file makes the video to audio conversion so easy.

Any Audio Converter 3.5.5

Any Audio Converter 3.5.5 Portable
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برنامج تحويل امتداد أي فيديو بأحدث اصداراته Any Audio Converter 3.5.5
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