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 حصريا لعبة الأكشن الرائعة Sim City 4 Deluxe كاملة

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ميدو البرنس
ميدو البرنس

عدد المساهمات : 2553
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/07/2009
العمر : 34
الموقع : https://oldfaucet.site

حصريا لعبة الأكشن الرائعة Sim City 4 Deluxe كاملة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: حصريا لعبة الأكشن الرائعة Sim City 4 Deluxe كاملة   حصريا لعبة الأكشن الرائعة Sim City 4 Deluxe كاملة Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء يونيو 15, 2010 6:54 am

حصريا لعبة الأكشن الرائعة Sim City 4 Deluxe كاملة 16bkpiv

City 4 Deluxe Edition full rip [portable]

PC Game | Languages: ENG | Publisher: EA Games | 900MB

SimCity 4, you don't just build your city, you breathe life into it.
Create a megalopolis by weaving together a tapestry of cities ranging
from a bedroom community to a igh tech urban center or a vacation
destination to a farming village. You can create a region of
interconnected cities sharing and competing for resources that are
linked by a fully integrated transportation network. Use "god-like"
powers to create mountain ranges, carve valleys, and lay rivers to
construct the most realistic metropolis imaginable. The new simulation
engine offers immediate feedback so you can react to the needs of an
expanding metropolis. Now individual buildings and their lots provide
you with feedback. Use the My Sim features to personalize your Sim and
immediately move him or her into any area and watch them experience life
around town and get instant feedback on the city's progress. Each
decision has a greater impact and gives you the ability to respond more

Have the ultimate level of control over your city's transportation
network by completely taking charge of roads, rail, air, waterways, and
even vehicles. U-Drive It! missions will be presented for you to solve,
such as chasing down a bank robber or apprehending a car-jacker. If
missions are completed successfully, you will earn reward buildings and
other vehicles. As traction is gained by fixing problems and
accomplishing missions, your mayor approval rating will soar and Sims
will flock to your city. Choose from all-new road types including
wide-avenues, suspension bridges, or one-way streets, as well as map out
seamless regional networks that whisk Sims from one city to another.

options include going global to create a metro olis based on an all-new
modern European building set or personalizing new creations by labeling
streets, mountains, neighborhoods, and points of interest. Wreak havoc
with all-new disasters including a UFO invasion, massive wrecks at
railroad crossings, and the occasional car fender bender. There are also
all-new tutorials available to help you get started. New gameplay
levels are also available so you can create the city of your dreams.


Operating System: Windows XP/ME/2000/98
(Windows 95/NT not supported)
CPU: 500 MHz Intel Pentium III or AMD
Athlon processor
RAM: 128 MB
CD/DVD-Rom Speed: 8X
Hard Drive
Space: 1 gig plus space for saved games
Video: 16 MB video card,
DirectX 7 compatible
Sound: DirectX 7.0 compatible
Keyboard, mouse

Install Info:

1.Download and Unrar
install.bat (make sure UAC is disabled on Windows Vista)
3.Start the
game with simcity4.exe(SimCity 4/Apps)
4.Play the game.



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حصريا لعبة الأكشن الرائعة Sim City 4 Deluxe كاملة
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