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 حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ميدو البرنس
ميدو البرنس

عدد المساهمات : 2553
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/07/2009
العمر : 34
الموقع : https://oldfaucet.site

حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad   حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad Icon_minitimeالأربعاء مارس 09, 2011 9:12 pm

حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad
حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad
حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad
حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad
حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad
حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad 27310110
حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad 27309110
حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad 27308110

Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1
iPhone | iPod | iPad | 302.22 MB
Genre: Action | Racing

Get ready for the most exhilarating handheld racing experience! Take control of 30 officially licensed cars, each with unique performance characteristics. Feel the thrill of authentic pack racing action in an incredible 16-car grid – the first on iOS!
? Get to know meticulously detailed cars including the 2010 Ford Shelby Mustang GT500, 2010 Nissan GT-R (R35) and 2012 McLaren MP4-12C.

? Enjoy well over 10 hours of gameplay in the massive career mode with time trials, head-to-head races, eliminations, single ‘cup’ races, qualifiers and championships. Win races to purchase new cars and feel the difference with performance upgrades that affect handling. Work your way up from rookie to pro, or just jump into a Quick Race for instant fun.

? Find out who the real champion is! Enter auto-matched 16 player online races. Meet up with friends for 8 player local WiFi races. Compete on global leaderboards in Time Trials.

? Race in 15 beautiful locations, with 40 miles of highly detailed race tracks, speedways and city circuits including twilight and night races.

? Choose control options to suit your personal style. Earn the checkered flag with our intuitive and easy to master controls or take things up a notch by disabling all driving assists. Set anti-skid, steering assist and sensitivity, automatic or manual acceleration and brake assist level. Touch or tilt to steer.

? Cutting edge graphics and physics powered by Firemint’s exclusive high performance Mint3D™ engine - optimized to push OpenGL ES2 and retina display technology to the limit, and fine tuned for the best experience on older devices.

What's New in Version 1.02.01
Bug fix update:
- Resolved a progression loss/blocking issue causing players to get stuck in the car market screen.
- Resolved an issue with the multiplayer position indicator displaying an incorrect value.
- Improved compatibility with iOS 4.3.

We have also updated our multiplayer servers for better performance.
Link for more information: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/real-racing-2/id386568787?mt=8#


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حصرياً لعبة السباق والاكشن Real Racing 2 - 1.02.1 iPhone | iPod | iPad
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